D&D Character Generator


When reading through a Dungeons & Dragons book, I stumbled across a set of tables to generate the backstory of a character. I played around with this for a bit, then wondered if I could automate it to come up with these quick characters faster.

I started with very little clue how I would do this or display it, but full willingness to learn.

Culturally Appropriate Name and Age Generation

Elves live longer than dwarves, and their names sound very different. This is taken into account by the program to generate elves that take to their culture.

Reroll Life Events Individually

If generation went well but you’d prefer to not have one of the options, you can choose to reroll only that one.

Ability to Set Information

If you want to specifically play a Human who is 44, you can enter that info in and it will be accounted for by the program without replacing it.

What’s next?

I want to fully automate other parts of generation, letting it roll for stats and then select a class based on those. I’d also like it to pull up class features and select spells. It would be a nice tool to have for quick character ideation with all of those bells and whistles.